

Today's popular order sweets[June 6, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are お茶の井ヶ田 喜久水庵 喜久福詰合せ1箱.
Wrap a soft rice cake, bean paste and cream is exquisite. Iketa of tea in the kingdom of
food "Miyagi" Since its founding in 1920 (1920), is a long-established, which has been proposed a hot and breath of tea time in life.
1 keeper creepy vivid green tea cream, gentle sweetness of Zunda cream, excellent compatibility of the cream of the
bean paste, you can enjoy four kinds of taste of roasted green tea cream of exquisite the aroma of roasted green tea. Will be dispatch in
freezing, but compatibility with cream melts bean paste in and eat in a semi-thawing is exquisite.
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お茶の井ヶ田 喜久水庵 喜久福詰合せ1箱 送料込
価格:3340円(税込、送料無料) (2020/6/6時点)



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