


Today's popular order sweets[August 25, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 銀座千疋屋 銀座タルト(フルーツ) 直径約15cm.The dough baked in a tart dough and almond poodle that was crispy, is a tart that was abundantly topped with cream and colorful fruit of custard flavor. When hot d…

Today's popular order sweets[August 24, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are GODIVA レジェンデールトリュフ 12粒入.Legendale truffles, while the tradition of truffle of Godiva, seems collection to continue to evolve in pursuit of the innovation. it also hangs in there or if it is hea…

Today's popular order sweets[August 23, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 伊豆みかん.Canna, New summer orange, squeezed tightly three kinds of fruit juice of orange, raw jelly of refreshing taste that contains the flesh of sweet summer oranges. Raw jelly of three types of mix jui…

Today's popular order sweets[August 22, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are ハワイアンホースト マカデミアナッツチョコアイス.It is ice cream that the image of a Macadamia nut chocolate of popular chocolate makers "Hawaiian Horst" in Hawaii. Hawaiian Horst, Inc., is a long-establishe…

Today's popular order sweets[August 21, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 因幡の白うさぎ.The elegant sweetness of the yolk bean paste, is your buns wrapped in flavorful dough local Oyama butter. Cute rabbit type that was born from myth "Hare of Inaba", Tottori as Sanin specialty,…

Today's popular order sweets[August 20, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 自由が丘プリン.Thick but I gentle taste, sweetness is a conservative pudding. bottle is not firmly if there is thick, it is likely to be used in various things since box cuteClick here ↓↓!!!自由が丘プリ…

Today's popular order sweets[August 19, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are itoyacoffee クラッシュドコーヒーゼリー.A full-fledged coffee aroma of the coffee shop is stuck, enjoy at the same time as the texture Innovation Purupuru, is a little luxury coffee jelly. Unlike typical cup…

Today's popular order sweets[August 18, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 山田養蜂場 はちみつジェラートおすすめセット.It is packed matching the popularity of six from the "honey gelato" of Yamadayohojo. For sweetness is just right, I think that it enjoyed until the people from th…

Today's popular order sweets[August 17, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 船橋屋 特製くず餅入あんみつ.To have been made by hardening boiled carefully the Amakusa was examined from all over the country around the Izu Shichito producing agar-agar, red pea is Anmitsu using the Hokka…

Today's popular order sweets[August 16, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 凍らせて食べるアイスデザート.And Crash jelly-filled sherbet confined the origin taste of carefully selected fruit, is the ice dessert of creamy yogurt ice. I like the refreshing taste that 2 one of the tast…

Today's popular order sweets[August 15, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are ブルーシール アイス 詰め合わせ ギフト 12個入り.Because it is now can not go to the ice is ♪ Okinawa to get used to the feeling that went Okinawa, it is ice is glad to enjoy the various taste of OkinawaClick…

Today's popular order sweets[August 14, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 薩摩蒸気屋 かすたどん.Trolley and the custard cream of soft flavor is steamed confection of features. heartwarming and the taste will spread to the mouth. In addition, I and you frozen cold is delicious so …

Today's popular order sweets[August 13, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 北海道羊蹄山名水珈琲ゼリー12個入り.It is firm and the hardness of the jelly, such as made with agar-agar. When syrup eat apparent of milk without, firmly felt the taste of coffee ♪ IClick here ↓↓!!!コー…

Today's popular order sweets[August 12, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 深煎りきな粉の本わらび餅.To celebrate the baby was born panda at Ueno Zoo, is very cute Suites depicting the face of cute panda in the tree of sugar butter sand. Opening the box It is Hohoemashiku fun, such…

Today's popular order sweets[August 11, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 深煎りきな粉の本わらび餅.It was not that I ate this bracken rice cake, but it was soft enough had never experience. Aroma and moderate sweetness of the black nectar of flour was delicious and elegant ♪Click…

Today's popular order sweets[August 10, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 三和の純鶏名古屋コーチンたまごぷりん2個セット.Taste of the egg is also rich, is a pudding with a response to eat a firm. oyakodon had eaten, but I tried to eat knowing that Suites also there. thickens and t…

Today's popular order sweets[August 9, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are スズランショコラ.It is almond of cocoa cookies. cookies are delicious, of course, is the design of cans of is love lily of the valley. I ordered the can want of, but it was good to buy!Click here ↓↓!!!ス…

Today's popular order sweets[August 8, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 早和果樹園みかんアイスバー10本入り.100% Arita mandarin orange juice straight of Sawa orchards, is also a fruit ice using plenty of 75%. agar-agar and konjac flour, which is also visible further added crash …

Today's popular order sweets[7 2020 August]

Today's popular order sweets are MYHONEY ハニーショコラサンド LEAP."I want to make a cookie without guilt" is a honey chocolate sand of MY HONEY developed in such feelings. If you are using raw acacia honey of non-heating plenty, fragrance…

Today's popular order sweets[6 2020 August]

Today's popular order sweets are 銀座花のれん 銀座餅.Laughs those less sweet once in a whileClick here ↓↓!!!【エントリーでポイント5倍】お中元 お菓子 内祝い お返し お礼 ギフト 和菓子 銀座花のれん 銀座餅 005628 あす楽 送料無料価格:2800円…

Today's popular order sweets[August 5, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 小岩井農場グルメファンクッキー2缶セット.From the restaurant with a thirty plus years ago in the Koiwai farm ranch zoo of Iwate Prefecture from now, is so cookie making of Koiwai farm began. 2 is cans set of…

Today's popular order sweets[4 2020 August]

Today's popular order sweets are 長崎 びわゼリー.Is a whole using the jelly the fruit of loquat. Tempo, around the time of Hiroshika, Nagasaki Miura salt had been apprenticed to a magistrate plant, was seeded to got a loquat seeds of Funen…

Today's popular order sweets[3 2020 August]

Today's popular order sweets are NEW銀座プレミアムアイス&ソルベ10個入 .It is thoroughly stuck was Ginza Senbikiya original Suites material. High quality of the fruit that Senbikiya has been carefully selected, fragrant mellow taste is del…

Today's popular order sweets[August 2, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 気になるリンゴ.When you find in SA of product exhibition and high-speed road, I like enough to buy without hesitation. have baked wrapped the whole apple pie, delicious's a modest also sweetness.Click here …

Today's popular order sweets[August 1, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 日本橋屋長兵衛 金魚すくい 7個入.Sweets that were transferred the appearance of jelly made of goldfish swim in the jelly of fresh lemon. the mid-Edo period, the goldfish was once rare expensive now reach eve…

Today's popular order sweets[July 31, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 鳥取二十世紀梨ゼリー.Tottori specialties, is the whole confinement was the cool jelly the twentieth century pear. Puru do with the flesh sense of diced to taste and juicy fruit juice feeling will spread. It…

Today's popular order sweets[July 30, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 山形さくらんぼきらら 12個入り.Speaking of the early summer of fruit of Yamagata, it was ripe red to the extent that is said to red ruby ​​It is "cherry". what was the cherries in syrup pickles, jelly made a…

Today's popular order sweets[2020 July 29]

Today's popular order sweets are フレイバー期間限定ピーチパイ 直径16cm.Wrapped peach of a sweet smell to the pie dough, is fruity homemade pie of the summer. popular you will receive you in Otherwise frozen in flight was renewed peach pie.…

Today's popular order sweets[2020 July 28]

Today's popular order sweets are ビッグまるごとバナナ&いちご."Whole banana" of Yamazaki is in Yamazaki Plaza Ichikawa limited super-big size, it had appeared in the addition of strawberry online shop! Use the selection of banana domestic …

Today's popular order sweets[July 27, 2020]

Today's popular order sweets are 巨峰玉ゼリー 11玉入り.When tearing the skin that are petite coating Purun and grape jelly it will come out with a toothpick. There is elasticity will not stop at juicy. It is really delicious ♪Click here ↓↓…